Niestern Sander Koninklijke - Openingstijden, Folder met alle Aanbiedingen - Bestellen & Bezorgen
Koninklijke (Royal) Niestern Sander is a modern and versatile newbuilding- and repair shipyard established in Delfzijl, in the northern part of the Netherlands. A yard fully equipped for the engineering and construction of ships as well as for handling all shiprepair- and maintenance services including conversions and modification/mobilisation work to offshore vessels.For shipbuilding up to max. 147 m. length * 16 m. breadth. And a modern workshop allowing larger block construction under cover. Latest addition to the fleetlist is a maintenance support vessel for the offshore industry. For shiprepair there are two floating docks for ships up to 200 m. length * 25 m. breadth and max. 10,000 tlc as well as a 150 m. quay, a slipway and a construction hall. And in the Eemshaven a service unit allowing several services for shiprepair.